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Pink Spear Cavalry

Pink Spear Cavalry Card Art

When attacking a minion, deal 3 damage to a random enemy minion.

  • Color:
  • Power: 3
  • HP: 3
  • Pink Cost: 3
  • Colorless Cost: 1

This is a Base Card and does not earn any Play & Earn points or Collect & Earn points.

How to get Pink Spear Cavalry?

Pink Spear Cavalry is a Base tier card from the Base Cards set.
This means it only exists as soulbound card within the game. There is no NFT version.
All Base Cards are unlocked in the game from the very start.

Strategy Suggestions:

A great use of Spear Cavalry is to damage minions with Forcefield, since it will deal 3 damage after attacking a minion. But keep in mind that the 3 damage is dealt to a random enemy minion. So if you want be sure you damage the minion you want, it should be the only enemy minion on the board.
Suggestion by LothHannnk

Decks featuring this card:

  • Coming soon!

Videos featuring this card:

Coming soon!