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Hero Art

bRed and Butter


Deck creator: Huncho
Last modified: January 5, 2024


Gem Requirements

  • 8 Rainbow gems
  • 5 Red gems
  • 1 Blue gem
  • 1 Orange gem
  • 1 Yellow gem


Mulligan: When going second, mulligan everything to get a Forge Imp. When going first, mulligan everything (except Manticore) to get a Forge Imp.

General: Play aggressive early to get the opponent as low as possible. Then finish them off with Crypto Ban, Elon, and Lust.

Card Substitutions

Budget Example:

Play & Earn Points

If you own the exact amount of copies of each NFT card in this deck, the total P&E base points of this full deck is 3860.
That means winning a game with this deck would give 19300 P&E points.

Videos featuring this deck:

Coming soon!