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Hero Art

Bunny Deck


Deck creator: Cryptic Witcher
Last modified: February 6, 2024


Please note! This deck was submitted before version 1.6.4 of the game, when Rainigon could still be staked for colored gems. This is no longer possible. If this deck relied on staking Rainigons for different colored gems, make sure to replace the Rainigon with other cards (of the colors you need) in your deck before playing.

Gem Requirements

  • 4 Rainbow gems
  • 3 Orange gems
  • 3 Purple gems
  • 2 Green gems


Mulligan: Aim for Recursive Reality and Tree Mage to get a huge mana advantage.

Mid Game: Banish Monster Egg with Curious Apprentice and Peryton.

End Game: Aurora and Ivan.

Card Substitutions

Faster Pace Example (note that this includes Pink cards):

Play & Earn Points

If you own the exact amount of copies of each NFT card in this deck, the total P&E base points of this full deck is 3870.
That means winning a game with this deck would give 19350 P&E points.

Videos featuring this deck:

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