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Hero Art

Entry Aggro


Deck creator: LothHannnk
Last modified: March 14, 2024


Please note! This deck was submitted before version 1.6.4 of the game, when Rainigon could still be staked for colored gems. This is no longer possible. If this deck relied on staking Rainigons for different colored gems, make sure to replace the Rainigon with other cards (of the colors you need) in your deck before playing.

Gem Requirements

  • 4 Rainbow gems
  • 2 Pink gems
  • 2 Purple gems
  • 1 Red gem
  • 1 Orange gem
  • 1 Yellow gem


Want to play an aggressive deck for fast games? Try this entry level deck. It won't beat top20 players, but you'll be fine reaching the top 100 with it. For now...!
Don't like reading? Scroll down for example videos of how to use the deck!


Mulligan: Discard expensive cards, try to get a Harpy Huntress for example. If you have cards with On Stake in the mulligan, consider keeping them.

General play: Every turn, try to play the most expensive minion. If you can, stake different colors until you've reached 3 or 4 different colored gems. If your hand is heavy with pink cards, focus on getting 2 pink gems before getting the others.

Remarks: If your hand allows it, go for 5 different colored gems so your Rainigons are cheaper to play. Save Corrupted Warlocks to stake in late game if you can. The Gargoyle is a nice surprise late game, unless you play against an orange deck because they'll have Banish-Proof Guardian minions.

On Stake tactics: The trick here is to play your cards in the right order. For example, play a Kitsune before staking Banshee to trigger Kitsune's ability. Or play an Incendiary Dwarf before staking Werewolf to get an even stronger dwarf. Always look at your hand's possible combinations first, it can be better to play a minion, then stake instead of what you might normally do (stake first, then play).

No mythics? Try including for example Lorem Ipsum, Pink Light Infusion or Yellow Light Infusion.

Play & Earn Points

If you own the exact amount of copies of each NFT card in this deck, the total P&E base points of this full deck is 3440.
That means winning a game with this deck would give 17200 P&E points.