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Hero Art

HeraZeus Mixer


Deck creator: LothHannnk
Last modified: March 15, 2024


Please note! This deck was submitted before version 1.6.4 of the game, when Rainigon could still be staked for colored gems. This is no longer possible. If this deck relied on staking Rainigons for different colored gems, make sure to replace the Rainigon with other cards (of the colors you need) in your deck before playing.

Gem Requirements

  • 8 Rainbow gems
  • 4 Red gems
  • 2 Pink gems
  • 2 Purple gems
  • 2 Yellow gems
  • 2 Green gems
  • 1 Orange gem


A fun deck that can either be very fast or pretty slow, depending on the order you draw your cards.
Don't like reading? Scroll down for example videos of how to use the deck!


Mulligan: Try to get a Stymphalian Bird and a yellow card to stake turn 1, so you can play the Bird.

Early Game: If you draw Hera early, playing her will add Zeus to your hand. So in that case: focus on being able to play Zeus soon after Hera. Keeping Zeus alive will get you an extra random colored gem on the next turn. If you don't draw Hera early, use your cards with On Stake or On Play abilities as defence, like Shock-Tooth Tiger or Manticore. Work towards getting 4 different colored gems, then focus on getting more purple and red gems. This way you can play The Seven Deadly Sins or Stacy Raini mid game if you draw it.

Mid Game: Barbarian Horde needs to be Surrounded to survive, so we have the Minotaur and Yellow Replicator combo to get more minions on your side of the board. By now you probably have 2 purple gems, so you can Nifty any good minion the opponent plays or use Banish via Air Elemental. Keep your Envy unless your opponent plays Stacy Raini early.

Late Game: The deck has 3 copies of Crypto Ban to finish off the opponent. If you don't draw them, use Lorem Ipsum on a strong minion (Rainigon, Purple Champion etc.) to keep the game going. Nifty your own Fenrir if you must.

What about the ChainZoku card? We use it simply for staking, because you can choose what colored gem to stake it for. This way you can save a Rainigon from being staked.

Play & Earn Points

If you own the exact amount of copies of each NFT card in this deck, the total P&E base points of this full deck is 4160.
That means winning a game with this deck would give 20800 P&E points.