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Hero Art

Solero Shot


Deck creator: Annorlunda
Last modified: June 28, 2024


Gem Requirements

  • 8 Rainbow gems
  • 7 Orange gems
  • 4 Red gems
  • 1 Blue gem
  • 1 Pink gem
  • 1 Green gem


Mulligan: Aim for Shieldwall Guardian and Chrysomallos. Replace everything except Beaver King.

General Strategy: The main point of focus is to control the board until you get 5 orange gems and are ready for Beaver King at 8 gems. Beaver King is so effective vs aggro / freeze banish. Then you can stake other colours to use The Seven deadly Sins (or Aurora if you prefer) late game.. In certain situations you will want to play Paper Hands and Bull Market, but mostly they can be staked to get the colors for Chad Raini and The Seven Deadly Sins

Strategy when playing against Freeze or Banish decks: Focus more on playing Regulate than playing minions. Then mid game you can play Titan and Rugzilla because of banish-proof.

Card Substitutions

Replace The Seven Deadly Sins with Aurora if you prefer.

Play & Earn Points

If you own the exact amount of copies of each NFT card in this deck, the total P&E base points of this full deck is 4080.
That means winning a game with this deck would give 20400 P&E points.

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